PDA App for Loan Deliveries & Collections

Loan deliveries and collections were introduced to support very busy libraries as a way of issuing & returning loans in bulk. There is a blog article about deliveries & collections here. This was a significant step in reducing the amount of paperwork shuffled...

e-Quip Web Access & Micro-Sites

When we designed e-Quip we felt (and still do) that engineers and others using the software for several hours a day needed the advanced functionality of a desktop application. Web access has always been important, but for different types of user. For several years we...

e-Quip for the Pocket PC

Starting with version 2.8.0, which will be released within the next couple of weeks, e-Quip will include a Pocket PC interface. This will run on any PDA running Windows Mobile 6 or 6.5 Classic. You might ask why we chose this particular device. We had taken the...