A Little Database Theory – Part 1

The other day I came across a forum on the web and spotted a post by someone who wanted to know the difference between relational calculus and relational algebra. As happens so often on the web, all of the responses were written by people who had virtually no idea...

Coming Soon – Version 3.3.0

Version 3.3.0 will be released at the end of March 2016. Although some additional features might find their way in between now and the final release, here is a summary of the new features: 1. Embedded Documents – New Feature a. It is now possible to store...

Editing Templates

All e-Quip users probably know that job templates lie at the heart of the automated PPM scheduling mechanism. Broadly speaking, if a PPM schedule is a definition of a set of work instructions which need to be carried out at a specified interval, then a job template is...

Contract KPI Question

Currently the Quick Report KPI’s available from the e-Quip dashboard screen include some simple contract statistics: 1. The number of contracts renewed in the reporting period 2. The renewal cost of those contracts These figures come from the contract end date...